// // i2c.c // i2c // // Created by Michael Köhler on 09.10.17. // // #include "i2c.h" #if defined (__AVR_ATmega328__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATmega168P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega168PA__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATmega88P__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATmega48P__) || \ defined(__AVR_ATmega1284P__) || \ defined (__AVR_ATmega324A__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega324P__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega324PA__) || \ defined (__AVR_ATmega644__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega644A__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega644P__) || defined (__AVR_ATmega644PA__) || \ defined (__AVR_ATmega1284P__) || \ defined (__AVR_ATmega2560__) #if PSC_I2C != 1 && PSC_I2C != 4 && PSC_I2C != 16 && PSC_I2C != 64 #error "Wrong prescaler for TWI !" #elif SET_TWBR < 0 || SET_TWBR > 255 #error "TWBR out of range, change PSC_I2C or F_I2C !" #endif uint8_t I2C_ErrorCode; /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_init Purpose: Initialise TWI/I2C interface Input Parameter: none Return Value: none **********************************************/ void i2c_init(void){ // set clock switch (PSC_I2C) { case 4: TWSR = 0x1; break; case 16: TWSR = 0x2; break; case 64: TWSR = 0x3; break; default: TWSR = 0x00; break; } TWBR = (uint8_t)SET_TWBR; // enable TWCR = (1 << TWEN); } /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_start Purpose: Start TWI/I2C interface Input Parameter: - uint8_t i2c_addr: Adress of reciever Return Value: none **********************************************/ void i2c_start(uint8_t i2c_addr){ // i2c start TWCR = (1 << TWINT)|(1 << TWSTA)|(1 << TWEN); uint16_t timeout = F_CPU/F_I2C*2.0; while((TWCR & (1 << TWINT)) == 0 && timeout !=0){ timeout--; if(timeout == 0){ I2C_ErrorCode |= (1 << I2C_START); return; } }; // send adress TWDR = i2c_addr; TWCR = (1 << TWINT)|( 1 << TWEN); timeout = F_CPU/F_I2C*2.0; while((TWCR & (1 << TWINT)) == 0 && timeout !=0){ timeout--; if(timeout == 0){ I2C_ErrorCode |= (1 << I2C_SENDADRESS); return; } }; } /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_stop Purpose: Stop TWI/I2C interface Input Parameter: none Return Value: none **********************************************/ void i2c_stop(void){ // i2c stop TWCR = (1 << TWINT)|(1 << TWSTO)|(1 << TWEN); } /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_byte Purpose: Send byte at TWI/I2C interface Input Parameter: - uint8_t byte: Byte to send to reciever Return Value: none **********************************************/ void i2c_byte(uint8_t byte){ TWDR = byte; TWCR = (1 << TWINT)|( 1 << TWEN); uint16_t timeout = F_CPU/F_I2C*2.0; while((TWCR & (1 << TWINT)) == 0 && timeout !=0){ timeout--; if(timeout == 0){ I2C_ErrorCode |= (1 << I2C_BYTE); return; } }; } /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_readAck Purpose: read acknowledge from TWI/I2C Interface Input Parameter: none Return Value: uint8_t - TWDR: recieved value at TWI/I2C-Interface, 0 at timeout - 0: Error at read **********************************************/ uint8_t i2c_readAck(void){ TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN)|(1<<TWEA); uint16_t timeout = F_CPU/F_I2C*2.0; while((TWCR & (1 << TWINT)) == 0 && timeout !=0){ timeout--; if(timeout == 0){ I2C_ErrorCode |= (1 << I2C_READACK); return 0; } }; return TWDR; } /********************************************** Public Function: i2c_readNAck Purpose: read non-acknowledge from TWI/I2C Interface Input Parameter: none Return Value: uint8_t - TWDR: recieved value at TWI/I2C-Interface - 0: Error at read **********************************************/ uint8_t i2c_readNAck(void){ TWCR = (1<<TWINT)|(1<<TWEN); uint16_t timeout = F_CPU/F_I2C*2.0; while((TWCR & (1 << TWINT)) == 0 && timeout !=0){ timeout--; if(timeout == 0){ I2C_ErrorCode |= (1 << I2C_READNACK); return 0; } }; return TWDR; } #else #error "Micorcontroller not supported now!" #endif