Initial version

Dieser Commit ist enthalten in:
Tom 2021-05-02 20:27:12 +02:00
Commit 2a2926252e
13 geänderte Dateien mit 1421 neuen und 0 gelöschten Zeilen

Morsecode mit LaTeX.aux Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{Index}{1}{Doc-Start}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Using Morsecode with package listings}{7}{chapter.1}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{lof}{\addvspace {10\p@ }}
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\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Known characters}{7}{section.1.1}\protected@file@percent }
\@writefile{toc}{\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Example}{8}{section.1.2}\protected@file@percent }

Morsecode mit LaTeX.idx Normale Datei
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Morsecode mit LaTeX.lof Normale Datei
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\addvspace {10\p@ }

Morsecode mit LaTeX.log Normale Datei

Datei-Diff unterdrückt, da er zu groß ist Diff laden

Morsecode mit LaTeX.lot Normale Datei
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\babel@toc {english}{}
\addvspace {10\p@ }

Morsecode mit LaTeX.out Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

Morsecode mit LaTeX.pdf Normale Datei

Binäre Datei nicht angezeigt.

Morsecode mit LaTeX.synctex.gz Normale Datei

Binäre Datei nicht angezeigt.

Morsecode mit LaTeX.tex Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

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\usepackage[top=2cm, bottom=2cm, outer=1cm, inner=2.1cm, headsep=14pt]{geometry}
%% PDF Meta Information und Links
pdftitle={QRP Logger},
pdfsubject={Using Morsecode in LaTeX documents},
pdfauthor={Thomas 'Tom' Malkus, DL7BJ},
pdfkeywords={Software, Linux, Windows, Amateur Radio},
pdfcreator={TeX Maker 4.5 (Linux)},
%% Basics
\author{Tom, DL7BJ}
\renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl} % Palatino
\lstset{numbers=left, numberstyle=\tiny, numbersep=5pt}
\lstset{basicstyle=\ttfamily} % fixed-width font
%% \lstset{gobble=4} % remove 4 leading characters (should be the indentation tab)
\lstset{frame=tb} % lines above and below
\lstset{rulecolor=\color{lightgray}} % colored in a slightly darker gray
\lstset{keywordstyle=} % keywords are not bold
%% \lstset{emphstyle=\itshape\color{green!30!black}} % emphasize style: italic, dark green
\lstset{prebreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rhookswarrow}}} % requires \usepackage{MnSymbol}
\lstset{postbreak=\raisebox{0ex}[0ex][0ex]{\ensuremath{\rcurvearrowse\space}}} % requires
\lstset{breaklines=true, breakatwhitespace=true}
\lstset{language=[LaTeX]TeX} % by default listings are LaTeX code
\lstset{texcsstyle=*\lst@keywordstyle} % emphasize backslash as part of the command but keep style as defined in \lstset{keywordstyle=...}
\lstset{moretexcs={lstset, rhookswarrow, rcurvearrowse, Righttorque, Lefttorque}} % add LaTeX commands which listings doesn't know
\lstset{emph={prebreak, postbreak, breaklines, breakatwhitespace, numbers, numberstyle, breakindent}} % emphasize parameters of listings package
%% Only copy this part to your own file and add \usepackage{listings}
%% Morsecode with package listings
%% All commands begin with a 'M' for morse
%% Settings for lengths of chars
\newcommand{\Mdotlength}{3pt} % length of a dot
\newcommand{\Mdahlength}{9pt} % length of a dash
\newcommand{\Mcharseplength}{9pt} % length between two chars
\newcommand{\Mwordseplength}{21pt} % length between two words
\newcommand{\Mdiditlength}{6pt} % length of dit-dit
\newcommand{\Mbold}{1.5pt} % bold
% Chars A-Z
\newcommand{\MAlpha}{\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MBravo}{\dah\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MCharly}{\dah\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MDelta}{\dah\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MEcho}{\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MFoxtrott}{\dit\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MGolf}{\dah\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MHotel}{\dit\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MIndia}{\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MJuliett}{\dit\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MKilo}{\dah\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MLima}{\dit\dah\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MMike}{\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MNovember}{\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MOscar}{\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MPapa}{\dit\dah\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MQuebec}{\dah\dah\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MRomeo}{\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MSierra}{\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MTango}{\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MUniform}{\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MVictor}{\dit\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MWhisky}{\dit\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MXray}{\dah\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MYankee}{\dah\dit\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MZulu}{\dah\dah\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
% German Umlauts and continental code
\newcommand{\Muuml}{\dit\dit\dah\dah \Mcharsep} % German Ü
\newcommand{\Mauml}{\dit\dah\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % German Ä
\newcommand{\Mouml}{\dah\dah\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % German Ö
\newcommand{\Mchuml}{\dah\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep} % German CH
% Special chars
\newcommand{\MDot}{\dit\dah\dit\dah\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % .
\newcommand{\MComma}{\dah\dah\dit\dit\dah\dah \Mcharsep} % ,
\newcommand{\MQuestionmark}{\dit\dit\dah\dah\dit\dit \Mcharsep} % ?
\newcommand{\MSlash}{\dah\dit\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % /
\newcommand{\MHyphen}{\dah\dit\dit\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % -
\newcommand{\MDoubleHyphen}{\dah\dit\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % =
\newcommand{\MPlus}{\dit\dah\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % +
\newcommand{\Mat}{\dit\dah\dah\dit\dah\dit} % @
% Prosigns
\newcommand{\MLerror}{\dit\dit\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dit\dit \Mcharsep} % Lazy error
\newcommand{\MError}{\dit\dit\dit\dit\dit\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep} % Error
\newcommand{\MWait}{\dit\dah\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep} % Got a beer!
\newcommand{\Maa}{\dit\dah\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % AA
\newcommand{\Mar}{\dit\dah\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dit\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % AR
\newcommand{\Mas}{\dit\dah\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep} % AS
\newcommand{\Mbt}{\dah\dit\dit\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dah \Mcharsep} % BT
\newcommand{\Mct}{\dah\dit\dah\dah\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dah \Mcharsep} % CT
\newcommand{\Mkn}{\dah\dit\dah\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % KN
\newcommand{\Msk}{\dit\dit\dit\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dah\dit\dah \Mcharsep} % SK
\newcommand{\Msn}{\dit\dit\dit\hspace{\Mdiditlength}\dah\dit \Mcharsep} % SN
% Numbers
\newcommand{\MOne}{\dit\dah\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MTwo}{\dit\dit\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MThree}{\dit\dit\dit\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MFour}{\dit\dit\dit\dit\dah \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MFive}{\dit\dit\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MSix}{\dah\dit\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MSeven}{\dah\dah\dit\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MEight}{\dah\dah\dah\dit\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MNine}{\dah\dah\dah\dah\dit \Mcharsep}
\newcommand{\MZero}{\dah\dah\dah\dah\dah \Mcharsep}
% Prosigns as text with line above chars
{\ }{\Mwordsep}1
% Stop here with copy
\hfill %
\hfill %
\hfill %
Using Morsecode with LaTeX\\
\frqq How to use the texlive-science package to use Morsecode within documents\flqq \\
%% \includegraphics[scale=0.6]{<irgendeine Grafik>}
Version 1.00 \today \\
Tom, DL7BJ, tom@dl7bj.de, \url{https://isnix.de}
\textsl{This document exists only in English. Sorry for wrong grammars, but I am not a native speaker. I hope you understand most of my text, corrections are very welcome. You can find the LaTeX sources of this text in my GitHub repository\footnote{\url{https://github.com/DL7BJ/LaTex-Morsecode}} . Feel free to make changes and send them to me, preffered with E-Mail.}
73, Tom\\
\chapter{Using Morsecode with package listings}
\section{Known characters}
You need only the marked block out of the source for this LaTeX file. I use TeXMaker with Linux, it could be, that you have todo some changes if you use another OS.
This is a table of all know characters:
A & Alpha & \MAlpha & 0 & Zero & \MZero \\
B & Bravo & \MBravo & 1 & One & \MOne \\
C & Charly & \MCharly & 2 & Two & \MTwo \\
D & Delta & \MDelta & 3 & Three & \MThree \\
E & Echo & \MEcho & 4 & Four & \MFour \\
F & Foxtrott & \MFoxtrott & 5 & Five & \MFive \\
G & Golf & \MGolf & 6 & Six & \MSix \\
H & Hotel & \MHotel & 7 & Seven & \MSeven \\
I & India & \MIndia & 8 & Eight & \MEight \\
J & Juliett & \MJuliett & 9 & Nine & \MNine \\
K & Kilo & \MKilo & . & Dot & \MDot \\
L & Lima & \MLima & , & Comma & \MComma \\
M & Mike & \MMike & ? & Questionmark & \MQuestionmark \\
N & November & \MNovember & / & Slash & \MSlash \\
O & Oscar & \MOscar & - & Hyphen & \MHyphen \\
P & Papa & \MPapa & = & DoubleHyphen & \MDoubleHyphen \\
Q & Quebec & \MQuebec & + & Plus & \MPlus \\
R & Romeo & \MRomeo & @ & at & \Mat \\
S & Sierra & \MSierra & .. & Lazy error & \MLerror \\
T & Tango & \MTango & .. & Error & \MError \\
U & Uniform & \MUniform & & Got a beer! & \MWait \\
V & Victor & \MVictor & & & \\
W & Whisky & \MWhisky & & & \\
X & X-Ray & \MXray & & & \\
Y & Yankee & \MYankee & & & \\
Z & Zulu & \MZulu & & & \\
\MAA & & \Maa & & & \\
\MAR & & \Mar & & & \\
\MAS & & \Mas & & & \\
\MBT & & \Mbt & & & \\
\MCT & & \Mct & & & \\
\MKN & & \Mkn & & & \\
\MSK & & \Msk & & & \\
\MSN & & \Msn & & & \\

Morsecode mit LaTeX.toc Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
\contentsline {section}{Index}{1}{Doc-Start}%
\babel@toc {english}{}
\contentsline {chapter}{\numberline {1}Using Morsecode with package listings}{7}{chapter.1}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.1}Known characters}{7}{section.1.1}%
\contentsline {section}{\numberline {1.2}Example}{8}{section.1.2}%

README.md Normale Datei
Datei anzeigen

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# LaTeX-Morsecode
Using Morsecode with LaTeX
This is a short example how to use Morsecode within LaTeX documents.
You need the package texlive-science to use morsecode.
This example has many additional packages as it is my standard template for
HAM Radio documents.
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 cc-by-sa-4.0
Have fun!

dl7bj-eps-converted-to.pdf Normale Datei

Binäre Datei nicht angezeigt.

Binäre Datei nicht angezeigt.