/** \brief BJ-Keyer : Morsekeyer von DL7BJ tom@dl7bj.de OLED functions from https://github.com/Sylaina/oled-display @verbatim History -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2012-05-24 DL7BJ erste Version 2013-05-10 DL7BJ Generierung des Mithörtons als Sinus mit PWM/DDS 2013-07-15 DL7BJ Änderungen der Keyerfunktionen 2013-07-19 DL7BJ Beep/Boop (Spielkram) 2013-10-20 DL7BJ Änderungen der PWM Funktionen für besseren Sinus 2022-04-10 DL7BJ erste Leiterplatten für Prototyp (bisher Lochraster) 2022-09-02 DL7BJ viele Softwareänderungen, neuer Filter für PWM 2022-09-11 DL7BJ Encoder, LC-Display, Frontplatine "entsorgt" 2023-06-28 DL7BJ Port Anpassungen an neue Leiterplatte V1.01 ATMEGA328(P) ---------- (PCINT14/_RESET) PC6 -| 1 28|- PC5 (ADC5/SCL/PCINT13) (PCINT16/RXD) PD0 -| 2 27|- PC4 (ADC4/SDA/PCINT12) (PCINT17/TXT) PD1 -| 3 26|- PC3 (ADC3/PCINT11) (PCINT18/INT0) PD2 -| 4 25|- PC2 (ADC2/PCINT10) (PCINT19/OC2B/INT1) PD3 -| 5 24|- PC1 (ADC1/PCINT9) (PCINT20/XCK/T0) PD4 -| 6 23|- PC0 (ADC0/PCINT8) VCC -| 7 22|- GND GND -| 8 21|- AREF (PCINT6/XTAL1/TOSC1) PB6 -| 9 20|- AVCC (PCINT7/XTAL2/TOSC2) PB7 -|10 19|- PB5 (SCK/PCINT5) (PCINT21/OC0B/T1) PD5 -|11 18|- PB4 (MISO/PCINT4) (PCINT22/OC0A/AIN0) PD6 -|12 17|- PB3 (MOSI/OC2A/PCINT3) (PCINT23/AIN1) PD7 -|13 16|- PB2 (SS/OC1B/PCINT2) (PCINT0/CLK0/ICP1) PB0 -|14 15|- PB1 (OC1A/PCINT1) ---------- Pin 1 - PC6 - Reset Pin 28 - PC5 - SCL Display Pin 2 - PD0 - RxD Pin 27 - PC4 - SDA Display Pin 3 - PD1 - TxD Pin 26 - PC3 - LED Key Pin 4 - PD2 - Left Paddle Pin 25 - PC2 - TRX 2 Out Pin 5 - PD3 - Right Paddle Pin 24 - PC1 - TRX 1 Out Pin 6 - PD4 - Straight Key Pin 23 - PC0 - Mem 4 Pin 19 - PB5 - Mem 5 Pin 11 - PD5 - Mem 1 Pin 18 - PB4 - _Audio SD Pin 12 - PD6 - Mem 2 Pin 17 - OC2A - Audio PWM output Pin 13 - PD7 - Mem 3 Pin 16 - PB2 - Encoder Switch Pin 14 - PB0 - Encoder A Pin 15 - PB1 - Encoder B Value 1 2 4 8 32 64 128 255 Bit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Pin 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 @endverbatim */ #include "bj-keyer.h" // Additional files #include "functions.c" #define LENGTH 256 #define AMP 127 #define OFFSET 128 #define PI2 6.283185 /** * \brief Initialsieren der Timer * * Alle Parameter der Timer basieren auf 16MHz Systemtakt. * * Timer 0 - 8 Bit timer für 1ms * Timer 2 - 8 Bit timer für PWM zur Erzeugung des Sinustons * Timer 1A - 16 Bit timer zur Erzeugung der Hüllkurve * Timer 1B - 16 Bit timer wird nicht benutzt * * T - dot duration * wpm - Words per Minute based on PARIS * Formula T = 1200 / wpm * Minimum speed 10 wpm - dot duration 120ms * Maximum speed 99 wpm - dot duration 12ms * */ void InitTimer(void) { cli(); // Timer 2 PWM TCCR2A = 0; TCCR2B = 0; // No prescaling sbi(TCCR2B,CS20); // Clear OC2A on compare match sbi(TCCR2A,COM2A1); // Fast PWM Mode sbi(TCCR2A,WGM20); sbi(TCCR2A,WGM21); // Phase Correct PWM //sbi(TCCR2A,WGM22); //sbi(TCCR2A,WGM20); // Initial value OCR2A = 0x80; sbi(DDRB,PB3); // Timer 1 für die Sinus Hüllkurve TCCR1A = 0; TCCR1B = 0; TIMSK1 = 0; // CTC Mode sbi(TCCR1B,WGM12); // Prescaling 8 sbi(TCCR1B,CS11); // Output Compare Match Interrupt Enable OCR1A = 51; // 600Hz sbi(TIMSK1,OCIE1A); // Timer 0 1ms für diverse Zähler TCCR0A = 0; TCCR0B = 0; TCNT0 = 0; cbi(TCCR0A,WGM00); sbi(TCCR0A,WGM01); cbi(TCCR0B,WGM02); // CTC Mode 2 Immediate cbi(TCCR0B,CS02); sbi(TCCR0B,CS01); sbi(TCCR0B,CS00); // prescaler 64 OCR0A = 249; // CTC 1ms sbi(TIMSK0,OCIE0A); // Enable Timer 0 CTC sei(); } void Init() { cli(); // disable all interrupts MachineMode = NORMAL; SendStatus = SENDING_NOTHING; // PORTB DDRB = 0x00; // Interne PullUps einschalten sbi(PORTB,PB0); sbi(PORTB,PB1); sbi(PORTB,PB2); sbi(PORTB,PB3); sbi(PORTB,PB5); sbi(PORTB,AUDIO_EN); // Ein- und Ausgänge festlegen sbi(DDRB,PB3); // PWM sbi(DDRB,AUDIO_EN); // Audio Verstärker abschalten // cbi(PORTB,AUDIO_EN); // PORTC sbi(DDRC,MORSE_LED); // PORTD // Ein- und Ausgänge festlegen DDRD = 0x00; // Interne PullUps für die Eingänge abschalten cbi(PORTD,LEFT_PADDLE); cbi(PORTD,RIGHT_PADDLE); cbi(PORTD,STRAIGHT_KEY); t_element_length = (uint16_t)1200/bConfig.wpm; // Pin Change Interrupts Port D - Keys // PD4 - StraightKey - PCINT20 - Pin Change Interrupt 20 // PD3 - Right Paddle - PCINT19 - Pin Change Interrupt 19 // PD2 - Left Paddle - PCINT18 - Pin Change Interrupt 18 sbi(PCICR,PCIE2); sbi(PCMSK2,PCINT18); sbi(PCMSK2,PCINT19); sbi(PCMSK2,PCINT20); // Init serial UBRR0=UBRR_VALUE; // Set baud rate sbi(UCSR0B,TXEN0); // Enable TX sbi(UCSR0B,RXEN0); // Enable RX sbi(UCSR0B,RXCIE0); // RX complete interrupt sbi(UCSR0C,UCSZ01); // no parity, 1 stop bit sbi(UCSR0C,UCSZ01); // 8-bit data InitTimer(); EncoderInit(); // Initialisierung Menüvariablen bMenuCtrl.ClrScr = 1; bMenuCtrl.Update = 1; bMenuCtrl.Config = 0; bMenuCtrl.buttonPressed = 0; bMenuCtrl.WriteEEProm = 0; bMenuCtrl.buttonPressedLong = 0; // Initialisierung Konfiguration bConfig.iambic = 1; bConfig.sidetone_f = 600; bConfig.sidetone = 1; bConfig.trx = 0; bConfig.weight = 50; bConfig.wpmbpm = 1; bConfig.wpm = 15; bConfig.ratio = 30; bConfig.reverse = 0; bConfig.SinusRising = 6; sei(); // enable all interrupts } /** \brief 16 Bit Timer 1A * * Timer 1A interrupt * Overflow interrupt every 64µs * */ //ISR(TIMER1_OVF_vect) //{ // //sCurrentTimer += 0xffff; // PORTD ^= (1< 0) { OCR2A = (pgm_read_byte_near(sinewave+icnt) >> StateRising); } else { OCR2A = pgm_read_byte_near(sinewave+icnt); } icnt++; if(icnt > SINEWAVELENGTH - 1) { icnt = 0; if(StateRising > 0) StateRising--; } IntEnable(); } /** \brief 8 Bit Timer 0 * * The Timer 0 CTC interrupt * Dieser Interrupt wird jede Millisekunde erzeugt * */ ISR(TIMER0_COMPA_vect) { ms++; StoreEEprom++; MenuCtrlTimer++; mselement++; // element length of dit or dat t_wait++; l_timer++; encoder_timer++; if(l_timer >= L_WAIT){ l_timer = 0; } // Alle 5ms den Drehencoder abfragen if(encoder_timer > 5) { EncoderPolling(); // Schalter vom Drehencoder abfragen if(EncoderGetButtonState() == ButtonPressed_Short) { bMenuCtrl.buttonPressed = 1; SendSerialString("Button pressed short\r\n"); } if(EncoderGetButtonState() == ButtonPressed_Long) { bMenuCtrl.buttonPressedLong = 1; SendSerialString("Button pressed long\r\n"); } } // Wpm verändert? if((StoreEEprom > 1000) && (bMerker.WpMChanged)) { StoreEEprom = 0; bMerker.WriteWpMEEProm = 1; bMerker.WpMChanged = 0; } // Konfiguration nach 3 Sekunden verlassen // if((MenuCtrlTimer > 3000) && (bMenuCtrl.Config == 1)) // { // bMenuCtrl.Config = 0; // bMenuCtrl.Update = 1; // bMenuCtrl.ClrScr = 1; // BeepBoop(); // } } /** \brief 8 Bit Timer 2 * * Timer 2 overflow interrupt * Mit diesem Interrupt wird der nächste Wert für die * Erzeugung des Sinus für den Mithörton geladen. * */ ISR(TIMER2_OVF_vect) { // phaccu = phaccu + tword_m; // icnt = phaccu >> 24; // OCR2A = pgm_read_byte_near(sinewave+icnt); } /** \brief Pin Change Interupts für Paddle und StraightKey * * Pin Change Interrupt Vector für die Tasteneingänge * Str Pa2 Pa1 * PORTD PD7 PD6 PD5 PD4 PD3 PD2 PD1 PD0 * x80 x40 x20 x10 x8 x4 x2 x1 * */ ISR(PCINT2_vect) { uint8_t changedbits; changedbits = PIND ^ keyhistory; keyhistory = PIND; if(changedbits & (1< 30) bConfig.ratio = 30; if(bConfig.ratio < 15) bConfig.ratio = 15; bMenuCtrl.Update = 1; break; case M_TON_FREQ: break; } } } } /* ** main */ int main(void) { Init(); SideToneOff(); lcd_init(LCD_DISP_ON); lcd_charMode(DOUBLESIZE); lcd_home(); lcd_puts(PRG); lcd_gotoxy(1,2); lcd_puts(VER); lcd_gotoxy(2,4); lcd_puts(CALL); delayms(1000); MachineMode = NORMAL; KeyerMode = IAMBIC_A; ReadEEProm_WpM(); SendSerialString(CLRSCR); SendSerialString("BJ-Keyer V1.00\r\n"); SendSerialString("Ready!\r\n"); EncoderWrite(bConfig.wpm); BeepBoop(); SetFrequency(600); while(1) { Drehencoder(); if(bMerker.WriteWpMEEProm) WriteEEProm_WpM(); UpdateDisplay(); // if(MachineMode == NORMAL) // { // CheckPaddles(); // DoMorse(); // } if(MachineMode == COMMAND) { } } }