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\hypertarget { globals_ 8h} { } \doxysection { globals.\+ h-\/ Dateireferenz}
\label { globals_ 8h} \index { globals.h@{ globals.h} }
Globale Variablen, Definitionen und Prototypen.
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ stdlib.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ stdio.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ stdint.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ string.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ math.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ inttypes.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ avr/io.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ avr/pgmspace.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ avr/wdt.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ avr/interrupt.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ avr/eeprom.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ util/delay.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include $ < $ util/atomic.\+ h$ > $ } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } oled/i2c.\+ h\char `\" { } } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } oled/lcd.\+ h\char `\" { } } \newline
{ \ttfamily \# include \char `\" { } oled/font.\+ h\char `\" { } } \newline
Include-\/ \+ Abhängigkeitsdiagramm für globals.\+ h\+ :\nopagebreak
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
\includegraphics [width=350pt] { globals_ 8h_ _ incl}
\end { center}
\end { figure}
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Dieser Graph zeigt, welche Datei direkt oder indirekt diese Datei enthält\+ :
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\begin { figure} [H]
\begin { center}
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\includegraphics [width=268pt] { globals_ 8h_ _ dep_ _ incl}
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\end { center}
\end { figure}
\doxysubsection * { Datenstrukturen}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
struct \mbox { \hyperlink { structState} { State} }
struct \mbox { \hyperlink { structMenuCtrl} { Menu\+ Ctrl} }
struct \mbox { \hyperlink { structConfig} { Config} }
struct \mbox { \hyperlink { structMessage} { Message} }
\end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Makrodefinitionen}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a43bafb28b29491ec7f871319b5a3b2f8} \label { globals_ 8h_ a43bafb28b29491ec7f871319b5a3b2f8} }
\# define { \bfseries F\+ \_ \+ \+ CPU} ~16000000\+ UL
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0fac869d83ac1a584d6c45cf609f5fe7} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0fac869d83ac1a584d6c45cf609f5fe7} }
\# define { \bfseries PRESCALER} ~8
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a89bbee3eaf4759d9c2bb75f2cc463c1c} \label { globals_ 8h_ a89bbee3eaf4759d9c2bb75f2cc463c1c} }
\# define { \bfseries SINEWAVELENGTH} ~64
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a1ff3ba8cf4ac5bd14d4189d600c5d367} \label { globals_ 8h_ a1ff3ba8cf4ac5bd14d4189d600c5d367} }
\# define { \bfseries F\+ \_ \+ \+ CPUPRESIN} ~(F\+ \_ \+ \+ CPU/(PRESCALER$ \ast $ SINEWAVELENGTH))
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a6a53a6c94a70cc286e300a0ea8f46ba4} \label { globals_ 8h_ a6a53a6c94a70cc286e300a0ea8f46ba4} }
\# define { \bfseries USART\+ \_ \+ \+ BAUDRATE} ~9600
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0b029ff580b042a27aaac4bd2ec925e2} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0b029ff580b042a27aaac4bd2ec925e2} }
\# define { \bfseries UBRR\+ \_ \+ \+ VALUE} ~(((F\+ \_ \+ \+ CPU/(USART\+ \_ \+ \+ BAUDRATE$ \ast $ 16UL)))-\/ 1)
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ae70baf5399951da1e7ad45a0ed890832} \label { globals_ 8h_ ae70baf5399951da1e7ad45a0ed890832} }
\# define { \bfseries cbi} (sfr, bit)~(\+ \_ \+ \+ SFR\+ \_ \+ \+ BYTE(sfr) \& = $ \sim $ \+ \_ \+ \+ BV(bit))
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ac4a5536d9bf092116f88b94797ddc882} \label { globals_ 8h_ ac4a5536d9bf092116f88b94797ddc882} }
\# define { \bfseries sbi} (sfr, bit)~(\+ \_ \+ \+ SFR\+ \_ \+ \+ BYTE(sfr) $ \vert $ = \+ \_ \+ \+ BV(bit))
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2a59d5a77252e56299995f56e137cac6} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2a59d5a77252e56299995f56e137cac6} }
\# define { \bfseries NOINIT} ~\+ \_ \+ \+ \_ \+ attribute\+ \_ \+ \+ \_ \+ ((section (\char `\" { } .noinit\char `\" { } )))
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ aa980b5e5e502cf62bdca6c0452b97516} \label { globals_ 8h_ aa980b5e5e502cf62bdca6c0452b97516} }
\# define { \bfseries CALL} ~\char `\" { } DL7\+ BJ \char `\" { }
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a687ae7445182571cc179ad43ecd329e6} \label { globals_ 8h_ a687ae7445182571cc179ad43ecd329e6} }
\# define { \bfseries PRG} ~\char `\" { } BJ-\/ Keyer \char `\" { }
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a98ed931f97fef7e06e3ea441d0326c67} \label { globals_ 8h_ a98ed931f97fef7e06e3ea441d0326c67} }
\# define { \bfseries VER} ~\char `\" { } V1.\+ 03 \char `\" { }
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ aad4a7ebff687dc5228cc3fd4d25067f2} { NOTHING} } ~0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Keying states. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a518c76a915f90d5175ce01e2007b62be} \label { globals_ 8h_ a518c76a915f90d5175ce01e2007b62be} }
\# define { \bfseries DIT\+ \_ \+ \+ DAH\+ \_ \+ \+ OFF} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2206cbd4be1ac8deb197ce07f11ee3e5} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2206cbd4be1ac8deb197ce07f11ee3e5} }
\# define { \bfseries DAH\+ \_ \+ \+ DIT\+ \_ \+ \+ OFF} ~2
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0486f3908c841216f2b7a08d8fde0098} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0486f3908c841216f2b7a08d8fde0098} }
\# define { \bfseries DIT\+ \_ \+ \+ DAH\+ \_ \+ \+ ON} ~3
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a979c3e4f92443067e0d4844f11a11f47} \label { globals_ 8h_ a979c3e4f92443067e0d4844f11a11f47} }
\# define { \bfseries DAH\+ \_ \+ \+ DIT\+ \_ \+ \+ ON} ~4
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ae5284d1a5b3e5a009614298e3e7730bc} { STRAIGHT} } ~0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Keyer mode. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab4856cba3700d9faf68f3c36c38a64d5} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab4856cba3700d9faf68f3c36c38a64d5} }
\# define { \bfseries IAMBIC\+ \_ \+ B} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a1887a861cea3b6644def420638c0fc98} \label { globals_ 8h_ a1887a861cea3b6644def420638c0fc98} }
\# define { \bfseries IAMBIC\+ \_ \+ A} ~2
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a37afa2db2d5b90d445555f29ed6d44a9} \label { globals_ 8h_ a37afa2db2d5b90d445555f29ed6d44a9} }
\# define { \bfseries ULTIMATIC} ~3
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a21db5f41a6f17da0c82b95cda61b48ff} \label { globals_ 8h_ a21db5f41a6f17da0c82b95cda61b48ff} }
\# define { \bfseries SINGLE\+ \_ \+ \+ PADDLE} ~4
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a0f491a526845fa7f262309a82a0d7190} { PADDLE\+ \_ \+ \+ NORMAL} } ~0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Paddle Mode. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab8fe6659548cbcff654c32b32903beab} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab8fe6659548cbcff654c32b32903beab} }
\# define { \bfseries PADDLE\+ \_ \+ \+ REVERSE} ~1
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a26467aab195715bb21eca2df8d729078} { SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ NOTHING} } ~0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Sending Mode. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a153dd0d1d330ebe85d5681984b690f19} \label { globals_ 8h_ a153dd0d1d330ebe85d5681984b690f19} }
\# define { \bfseries SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ DIT} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ accfd3eb8f7e07b630344f41ecafc6e79} \label { globals_ 8h_ accfd3eb8f7e07b630344f41ecafc6e79} }
\# define { \bfseries SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ DAH} ~2
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ acfc4030c7ccaf6767ce25766c334c07b} \label { globals_ 8h_ acfc4030c7ccaf6767ce25766c334c07b} }
\# define { \bfseries SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ SPC} ~3
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a69c769033e48b3d24d40255e3811a068} \label { globals_ 8h_ a69c769033e48b3d24d40255e3811a068} }
\# define { \bfseries SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ STRAIGHT} ~4
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ acbf37f526e50d2774c17f10d8d167532} \label { globals_ 8h_ acbf37f526e50d2774c17f10d8d167532} }
\# define { \bfseries SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ AUTOMATIC} ~5
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a0cc6f7717df9fbdc0f33efb88720a639} { AUTO} } ~0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Sending Type. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
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\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ accc898f427bcfab8f8554d0683a736de} { MAN} } ~1
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\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a8f0a217b99055286939b536efe9516f1} { LEFT\+ \_ \+ \+ PADDLE} } ~PD2
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Ports. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
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\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a2531fa489a13983ebf61c93e71ec43d5} { RIGHT\+ \_ \+ \+ PADDLE} } ~PD3
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Right Paddle Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a7ce37f67d167ed8deb6c5e0e24c213d8} { STRAIGHT\+ \_ \+ \+ KEY} } ~PD4
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Straight key Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ adb6b98f999edb7b4152f2e3f8785406a} { MORSE\+ \_ \+ \+ LED} } ~PC3
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em LED Morse Output. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a5e91fefffdc4ae99555253d521d70d42} { MEM1} } ~PD5
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Mem 1 Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ af81f3155e333a7c017258f1a69949b0b} { MEM2} } ~PD6
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Mem 2 Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ afbacae6e435d743bef46dfc8369bf7c5} { MEM3} } ~PD7
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Mem 3 Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ab305dee14a45b9899420fb017b6b0838} { MEM4} } ~PC0
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Mem 4 Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a25a135b8117cdf599cdfe176200df2fa} { MEM5} } ~PB5
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Mem 5 Input. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a23a8a741ec974d3d82de16f4a59af347} { TRX1} } ~PC1
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em TRX1 Output. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a8bf6fec9796ce1a4372b299d2ac6079e} { TRX2} } ~PC2
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em TRX2 Output. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a73ed4be5c2afc6b3c6d872c67f06b27b} { AUDIO} } ~PB3
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em PWM Audio Output. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a9aae0b11edb13ba23962062c6310b48a} { AUDIO\+ \_ \+ \+ EN} } ~PB4
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Audio PA Enable. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ab5ffc4751921608954bb7a5687566b2d} { SCL} } ~PC5
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em I²C LC Display. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a6890442e1cc24a0d61597a13576b8727} { SDA} } ~PC4
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em I²C LC Display. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
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\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ad76d1750a6cdeebd506bfcd6752554d2} \label { globals_ 8h_ ad76d1750a6cdeebd506bfcd6752554d2} }
\# define { \bfseries ON} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a29e413f6725b2ba32d165ffaa35b01e5} \label { globals_ 8h_ a29e413f6725b2ba32d165ffaa35b01e5} }
\# define { \bfseries OFF} ~0
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a1d71d0c10cdc379fc3a1b2f029d3d9c9} \label { globals_ 8h_ a1d71d0c10cdc379fc3a1b2f029d3d9c9} }
\# define { \bfseries DIT} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a3e7e891ff7a66fac8cbf2d81c91499a5} \label { globals_ 8h_ a3e7e891ff7a66fac8cbf2d81c91499a5} }
\# define { \bfseries DAH} ~0
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ aefdcc3e9dbabb74aeb89ff310722ba51} \label { globals_ 8h_ aefdcc3e9dbabb74aeb89ff310722ba51} }
\# define { \bfseries NO\+ \_ \+ \+ KEY\+ \_ \+ \+ PRESSED} ~0
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a9e2cfe84dafa1c4834ff619652d9a64c} \label { globals_ 8h_ a9e2cfe84dafa1c4834ff619652d9a64c} }
\# define { \bfseries KEY\+ \_ \+ \+ PRESSED\+ \_ \+ \+ DEBOUNCE} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a8386b89daf8ec3a1805554fd95b80a9e} \label { globals_ 8h_ a8386b89daf8ec3a1805554fd95b80a9e} }
\# define { \bfseries KEY\+ \_ \+ \+ PRESSED} ~2
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ad54285de16d1e4eb57197272b15527c2} \label { globals_ 8h_ ad54285de16d1e4eb57197272b15527c2} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ TRX1} ~1
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a57235a40744e5ada2d7597832be662f6} \label { globals_ 8h_ a57235a40744e5ada2d7597832be662f6} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ TRX2} ~2
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a84501feff2919521b6051a205eb9467c} \label { globals_ 8h_ a84501feff2919521b6051a205eb9467c} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ TON} ~3
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ aa6f3b49681da4d4092468fb4dd1fe3d6} \label { globals_ 8h_ aa6f3b49681da4d4092468fb4dd1fe3d6} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ TON\+ \_ \+ \+ FREQ} ~4
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ae27e8d0e9f4019e3317b663153269b59} \label { globals_ 8h_ ae27e8d0e9f4019e3317b663153269b59} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ IAMBICA} ~5
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a799f279139320d58849c9b39873bed97} \label { globals_ 8h_ a799f279139320d58849c9b39873bed97} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ IAMBICB} ~6
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0ef7a9454ad52abf182e22a751f37e9d} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0ef7a9454ad52abf182e22a751f37e9d} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ ULTIMATIC} ~7
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0b7f5f1f400522efde7ac959d42e6acb} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0b7f5f1f400522efde7ac959d42e6acb} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ MEMORY} ~8
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ afa9ef2159f32ec11b39b7408a90d3cf9} \label { globals_ 8h_ afa9ef2159f32ec11b39b7408a90d3cf9} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ REVERSE} ~9
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a935c2d21e455b9b554384acebcff05b0} \label { globals_ 8h_ a935c2d21e455b9b554384acebcff05b0} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ RATIO} ~10
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a7cf02cee6c492d10d81fa7f8cd9e75d6} \label { globals_ 8h_ a7cf02cee6c492d10d81fa7f8cd9e75d6} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ WEIGHT} ~11
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a3531d6078fac920f06b5d54f073c66c7} \label { globals_ 8h_ a3531d6078fac920f06b5d54f073c66c7} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ WPMBPM} ~12
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a4ffa488bf9e0bec3211bfc7325ad1adc} \label { globals_ 8h_ a4ffa488bf9e0bec3211bfc7325ad1adc} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ MEMBUTTONMODE} ~13
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ aac1d2918a98167deeddc74dfb73e0515} \label { globals_ 8h_ aac1d2918a98167deeddc74dfb73e0515} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ RISETIME} ~14
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a80ca77ca3492d1b5046c74dd71f3c0ba} \label { globals_ 8h_ a80ca77ca3492d1b5046c74dd71f3c0ba} }
\# define { \bfseries M\+ \_ \+ \+ DEBOUNCE} ~15
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\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a61819141b0164a35f4d791b0e696721f} { M\+ \_ \+ \+ MAX} } ~15
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\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ae39a97a19b2e372929dabdc0e3822910} { CLEARLINE} } ~\char `\" { } \char `\" { }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em OLED. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a1291f416b069313021b519eea62d5bf1} \label { globals_ 8h_ a1291f416b069313021b519eea62d5bf1} }
\# define { \bfseries NORMAL} ~0
\# define \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a57332b76331a1bbe1d6807ddbb6d0522} { MSGSIZE} } ~60
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em 60 Zeichen für jeden Textspeicher \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection * { Variablen}
\begin { DoxyCompactItemize}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a69df8d53e45e7fceeeca61ebeed0c249} \label { globals_ 8h_ a69df8d53e45e7fceeeca61ebeed0c249} }
uint8\+ \_ \+ t { \bfseries Last\+ PINDState}
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a1756e538888c2c722809420489b62a53} { Encoder\+ Timer} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em 10ms Timer for Encoder \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a426d3fb4cd1535f9e7616df2601f4ddc} { Encoder\+ Counter} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Vor/\+ Rück Zähler. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a3a1db669858552a5c21490149c648e12} { Encoder\+ Pos} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Encoderposition für Wp\+ M/\+ BpM. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a2b61ba3fb70419b8b5151d7216f6ab87} { Encoder\+ Pos\+ Config} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Encoderposition für Einstellungen. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a2afbcb36398df196b3205ab28f612edf} { Encoder\+ Pos\+ Sub\+ Config} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Encoderposition für Submenues. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ab51365843be3e4ebfabfc836b59e7ef1} { Store\+ EEprom\+ Timer} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Zählvariable für auto. Speicherung EEprom. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a28fa6cb1767abefbe9c197700410d946} { WpM} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Aktuelle Zeichengeschwindigkeit. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ad7f78d2aebfab57b15aa5bf6e28d8723} { Paddle\+ Mode} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Links / Rechts vertauscht. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a9a19b6437a6a56a5855dd3488c6428f8} { Keyer\+ Mode} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Iambic A, Iambic B oder Ultimatic. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ad1fad28daa019aa1084957dd6e7a808a} \label { globals_ 8h_ ad1fad28daa019aa1084957dd6e7a808a} }
uint8\+ \_ \+ t { \bfseries Key\+ TX}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a5a4807ab81f5583d7c509be8897714a1} \label { globals_ 8h_ a5a4807ab81f5583d7c509be8897714a1} }
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t { \bfseries icnt}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a7f2869abff8463c80351c1a4dda05b0d} \label { globals_ 8h_ a7f2869abff8463c80351c1a4dda05b0d} }
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t { \bfseries ocr2a}
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ acee5a37cadaac095a39a4ae4d033df7d} { last\+ Button} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Wert der letzten Buttonabfrage. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a2f7701e9783a70804580512902c10ee7} { Dit\+ Millis} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Dauer eines Dits. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ad4e6326c3ab1d15391fcc416ff86c436} { Dah\+ Millis} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Dauer eines Dahs. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a7db74a7792308dd1d7c35be61d5ff9e8} { Spc\+ Millis} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Dauer einer Pause zwischen den Zeichen. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a39b1d9792105a52be2c2713ecf044a97} { State\+ Straight\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Straight\+ Key betätigt. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a0ca92f009021ed55c2f9199cf5bf80c3} { Timer\+ Straight\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer Variable für Entprellung. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a9684e7a5392d3dc5b8436002c3ce1c85} { State\+ Paddle\+ Dit\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Paddle betätigt. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a170fcf4ece2368541f1bcb04a3dd1511} { Timer\+ Paddle\+ Dit\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer Variable für Entprellung. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a92483c848dd64122cc79472ad979f5e5} { State\+ Paddle\+ Dah\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Paddle betätigt. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a57e73db78b59b4d79e72189fb0158f7a} { Timer\+ Paddle\+ Dah\+ Key\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer Variable für Entprellung. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a094f3d15714cd07a3536db03d58cb818} { State\+ Button\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Merker für Speichertaste betätigt. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a926757eaf37be188fd6e15410d83c953} { Timer\+ Button\+ Pressed} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer Variable für Entprellung. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a03249b48d31b6f929b91011f73c3eb56} { State\+ Rise\+ Time\+ Counter} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Zähler für Anstieg des Mithörtons. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ ab36cf30c9e53f719929eba1f738e4b12} { State\+ Rise\+ Time} }
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer für Anstieg des Mithörtons. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a088c685d08447f6614b3aea76cd94582} { Menu\+ Ctrl\+ Timer} }
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Wartezeit bis zur Betriebsanzeige nach \mbox { \hyperlink { structConfig} { Config} } . \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a4a4d36a87b010340a12f80300a0c5f76} { t\+ \_ \+ delayms} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer 0 max. 65535ms, all purpose timer variable. \end { DoxyCompactList} \item
volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t \mbox { \hyperlink { globals_ 8h_ a8a613665f46a0641e6dc293da130ab23} { t\+ \_ \+ elementlength} }
\begin { DoxyCompactList} \small \item \em Timer 0 max. 65535ms, element length of dit or dah. \end { DoxyCompactList} \end { DoxyCompactItemize}
\doxysubsection { Ausführliche Beschreibung}
Globale Variablen, Definitionen und Prototypen.
\doxysubsection { Makro-\/ \+ Dokumentation}
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a73ed4be5c2afc6b3c6d872c67f06b27b} \label { globals_ 8h_ a73ed4be5c2afc6b3c6d872c67f06b27b} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !AUDIO@{ AUDIO} }
\index { AUDIO@{ AUDIO} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { AUDIO} { AUDIO} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define AUDIO~PB3}
PWM Audio Output.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a9aae0b11edb13ba23962062c6310b48a} \label { globals_ 8h_ a9aae0b11edb13ba23962062c6310b48a} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !AUDIO\_ EN@{ AUDIO\_ EN} }
\index { AUDIO\_ EN@{ AUDIO\_ EN} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { AUDIO\_ EN} { AUDIO\_ EN} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define AUDIO\+ \_ \+ \+ EN~PB4}
Audio PA Enable.
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0cc6f7717df9fbdc0f33efb88720a639} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0cc6f7717df9fbdc0f33efb88720a639} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !AUTO@{ AUTO} }
\index { AUTO@{ AUTO} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { AUTO} { AUTO} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define AUTO~0}
Sending Type.
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
Automatische Pausen zwischen Elementen \mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ae39a97a19b2e372929dabdc0e3822910} \label { globals_ 8h_ ae39a97a19b2e372929dabdc0e3822910} }
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !CLEARLINE@{ CLEARLINE} }
\index { CLEARLINE@{ CLEARLINE} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { CLEARLINE} { CLEARLINE} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define CLEARLINE~\char `\" { } \char `\" { } }
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a8f0a217b99055286939b536efe9516f1} \label { globals_ 8h_ a8f0a217b99055286939b536efe9516f1} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !LEFT\_ PADDLE@{ LEFT\_ PADDLE} }
\index { LEFT\_ PADDLE@{ LEFT\_ PADDLE} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { LEFT\_ PADDLE} { LEFT\_ PADDLE} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define LEFT\+ \_ \+ \+ PADDLE~PD2}
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
Left Paddle Input \mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a61819141b0164a35f4d791b0e696721f} \label { globals_ 8h_ a61819141b0164a35f4d791b0e696721f} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !M\_ MAX@{ M\_ MAX} }
\index { M\_ MAX@{ M\_ MAX} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { M\_ MAX} { M\_ MAX} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define M\+ \_ \+ \+ MAX~15}
maximale Menuepunke \mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ accc898f427bcfab8f8554d0683a736de} \label { globals_ 8h_ accc898f427bcfab8f8554d0683a736de} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MAN@{ MAN} }
\index { MAN@{ MAN} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MAN} { MAN} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MAN~1}
Manuelle Pausen zwischen Elementen \mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a5e91fefffdc4ae99555253d521d70d42} \label { globals_ 8h_ a5e91fefffdc4ae99555253d521d70d42} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MEM1@{ MEM1} }
\index { MEM1@{ MEM1} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MEM1} { MEM1} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MEM1~PD5}
Mem 1 Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ af81f3155e333a7c017258f1a69949b0b} \label { globals_ 8h_ af81f3155e333a7c017258f1a69949b0b} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MEM2@{ MEM2} }
\index { MEM2@{ MEM2} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MEM2} { MEM2} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MEM2~PD6}
Mem 2 Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ afbacae6e435d743bef46dfc8369bf7c5} \label { globals_ 8h_ afbacae6e435d743bef46dfc8369bf7c5} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MEM3@{ MEM3} }
\index { MEM3@{ MEM3} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MEM3} { MEM3} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MEM3~PD7}
Mem 3 Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab305dee14a45b9899420fb017b6b0838} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab305dee14a45b9899420fb017b6b0838} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MEM4@{ MEM4} }
\index { MEM4@{ MEM4} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MEM4} { MEM4} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MEM4~PC0}
Mem 4 Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a25a135b8117cdf599cdfe176200df2fa} \label { globals_ 8h_ a25a135b8117cdf599cdfe176200df2fa} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MEM5@{ MEM5} }
\index { MEM5@{ MEM5} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MEM5} { MEM5} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MEM5~PB5}
Mem 5 Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ adb6b98f999edb7b4152f2e3f8785406a} \label { globals_ 8h_ adb6b98f999edb7b4152f2e3f8785406a} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MORSE\_ LED@{ MORSE\_ LED} }
\index { MORSE\_ LED@{ MORSE\_ LED} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MORSE\_ LED} { MORSE\_ LED} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MORSE\+ \_ \+ \+ LED~PC3}
LED Morse Output.
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a57332b76331a1bbe1d6807ddbb6d0522} \label { globals_ 8h_ a57332b76331a1bbe1d6807ddbb6d0522} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MSGSIZE@{ MSGSIZE} }
\index { MSGSIZE@{ MSGSIZE} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MSGSIZE} { MSGSIZE} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define MSGSIZE~60}
60 Zeichen für jeden Textspeicher
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ aad4a7ebff687dc5228cc3fd4d25067f2} \label { globals_ 8h_ aad4a7ebff687dc5228cc3fd4d25067f2} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !NOTHING@{ NOTHING} }
\index { NOTHING@{ NOTHING} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { NOTHING} { NOTHING} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define NOTHING~0}
Keying states.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0f491a526845fa7f262309a82a0d7190} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0f491a526845fa7f262309a82a0d7190} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !PADDLE\_ NORMAL@{ PADDLE\_ NORMAL} }
\index { PADDLE\_ NORMAL@{ PADDLE\_ NORMAL} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { PADDLE\_ NORMAL} { PADDLE\_ NORMAL} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define PADDLE\+ \_ \+ \+ NORMAL~0}
Paddle Mode.
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2531fa489a13983ebf61c93e71ec43d5} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2531fa489a13983ebf61c93e71ec43d5} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !RIGHT\_ PADDLE@{ RIGHT\_ PADDLE} }
\index { RIGHT\_ PADDLE@{ RIGHT\_ PADDLE} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { RIGHT\_ PADDLE} { RIGHT\_ PADDLE} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define RIGHT\+ \_ \+ \+ PADDLE~PD3}
Right Paddle Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab5ffc4751921608954bb7a5687566b2d} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab5ffc4751921608954bb7a5687566b2d} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !SCL@{ SCL} }
\index { SCL@{ SCL} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { SCL} { SCL} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define SCL~PC5}
I²C LC Display.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a6890442e1cc24a0d61597a13576b8727} \label { globals_ 8h_ a6890442e1cc24a0d61597a13576b8727} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !SDA@{ SDA} }
\index { SDA@{ SDA} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { SDA} { SDA} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define SDA~PC4}
I²C LC Display.
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a26467aab195715bb21eca2df8d729078} \label { globals_ 8h_ a26467aab195715bb21eca2df8d729078} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !SENDING\_ NOTHING@{ SENDING\_ NOTHING} }
\index { SENDING\_ NOTHING@{ SENDING\_ NOTHING} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { SENDING\_ NOTHING} { SENDING\_ NOTHING} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define SENDING\+ \_ \+ \+ NOTHING~0}
Sending Mode.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ae5284d1a5b3e5a009614298e3e7730bc} \label { globals_ 8h_ ae5284d1a5b3e5a009614298e3e7730bc} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !STRAIGHT@{ STRAIGHT} }
\index { STRAIGHT@{ STRAIGHT} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { STRAIGHT} { STRAIGHT} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define STRAIGHT~0}
Keyer mode.
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a7ce37f67d167ed8deb6c5e0e24c213d8} \label { globals_ 8h_ a7ce37f67d167ed8deb6c5e0e24c213d8} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !STRAIGHT\_ KEY@{ STRAIGHT\_ KEY} }
\index { STRAIGHT\_ KEY@{ STRAIGHT\_ KEY} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { STRAIGHT\_ KEY} { STRAIGHT\_ KEY} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define STRAIGHT\+ \_ \+ \+ KEY~PD4}
Straight key Input.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a23a8a741ec974d3d82de16f4a59af347} \label { globals_ 8h_ a23a8a741ec974d3d82de16f4a59af347} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TRX1@{ TRX1} }
\index { TRX1@{ TRX1} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TRX1} { TRX1} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define TRX1~PC1}
TRX1 Output.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a8bf6fec9796ce1a4372b299d2ac6079e} \label { globals_ 8h_ a8bf6fec9796ce1a4372b299d2ac6079e} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TRX2@{ TRX2} }
\index { TRX2@{ TRX2} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TRX2} { TRX2} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily \# define TRX2~PC2}
TRX2 Output.
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\doxysubsection { Variablen-\/ \+ Dokumentation}
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ad4e6326c3ab1d15391fcc416ff86c436} \label { globals_ 8h_ ad4e6326c3ab1d15391fcc416ff86c436} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !DahMillis@{ DahMillis} }
\index { DahMillis@{ DahMillis} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { DahMillis} { DahMillis} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t Dah\+ Millis}
Dauer eines Dahs.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2f7701e9783a70804580512902c10ee7} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2f7701e9783a70804580512902c10ee7} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !DitMillis@{ DitMillis} }
\index { DitMillis@{ DitMillis} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { DitMillis} { DitMillis} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t Dit\+ Millis}
Dauer eines Dits.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a426d3fb4cd1535f9e7616df2601f4ddc} \label { globals_ 8h_ a426d3fb4cd1535f9e7616df2601f4ddc} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !EncoderCounter@{ EncoderCounter} }
\index { EncoderCounter@{ EncoderCounter} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { EncoderCounter} { EncoderCounter} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t Encoder\+ Counter}
Vor/\+ Rück Zähler.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a3a1db669858552a5c21490149c648e12} \label { globals_ 8h_ a3a1db669858552a5c21490149c648e12} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !EncoderPos@{ EncoderPos} }
\index { EncoderPos@{ EncoderPos} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { EncoderPos} { EncoderPos} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t Encoder\+ Pos}
Encoderposition für Wp\+ M/\+ BpM.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2b61ba3fb70419b8b5151d7216f6ab87} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2b61ba3fb70419b8b5151d7216f6ab87} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !EncoderPosConfig@{ EncoderPosConfig} }
\index { EncoderPosConfig@{ EncoderPosConfig} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { EncoderPosConfig} { EncoderPosConfig} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t Encoder\+ Pos\+ Config}
Encoderposition für Einstellungen.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a2afbcb36398df196b3205ab28f612edf} \label { globals_ 8h_ a2afbcb36398df196b3205ab28f612edf} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !EncoderPosSubConfig@{ EncoderPosSubConfig} }
\index { EncoderPosSubConfig@{ EncoderPosSubConfig} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { EncoderPosSubConfig} { EncoderPosSubConfig} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile int8\+ \_ \+ t Encoder\+ Pos\+ Sub\+ Config}
Encoderposition für Submenues.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a1756e538888c2c722809420489b62a53} \label { globals_ 8h_ a1756e538888c2c722809420489b62a53} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !EncoderTimer@{ EncoderTimer} }
\index { EncoderTimer@{ EncoderTimer} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { EncoderTimer} { EncoderTimer} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t Encoder\+ Timer}
10ms Timer for Encoder
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a9a19b6437a6a56a5855dd3488c6428f8} \label { globals_ 8h_ a9a19b6437a6a56a5855dd3488c6428f8} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !KeyerMode@{ KeyerMode} }
\index { KeyerMode@{ KeyerMode} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { KeyerMode} { KeyerMode} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily uint8\+ \_ \+ t Keyer\+ Mode}
Merker für Iambic A, Iambic B oder Ultimatic.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ acee5a37cadaac095a39a4ae4d033df7d} \label { globals_ 8h_ acee5a37cadaac095a39a4ae4d033df7d} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !lastButton@{ lastButton} }
\index { lastButton@{ lastButton} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { lastButton} { lastButton} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t last\+ Button}
Wert der letzten Buttonabfrage.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a088c685d08447f6614b3aea76cd94582} \label { globals_ 8h_ a088c685d08447f6614b3aea76cd94582} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !MenuCtrlTimer@{ MenuCtrlTimer} }
\index { MenuCtrlTimer@{ MenuCtrlTimer} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { MenuCtrlTimer} { MenuCtrlTimer} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily uint16\+ \_ \+ t Menu\+ Ctrl\+ Timer}
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
Wartezeit bis zur Betriebsanzeige nach \mbox { \hyperlink { structConfig} { Config} } .
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ad7f78d2aebfab57b15aa5bf6e28d8723} \label { globals_ 8h_ ad7f78d2aebfab57b15aa5bf6e28d8723} }
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !PaddleMode@{ PaddleMode} }
\index { PaddleMode@{ PaddleMode} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { PaddleMode} { PaddleMode} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily uint8\+ \_ \+ t Paddle\+ Mode}
Merker für Links / Rechts vertauscht.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a7db74a7792308dd1d7c35be61d5ff9e8} \label { globals_ 8h_ a7db74a7792308dd1d7c35be61d5ff9e8} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !SpcMillis@{ SpcMillis} }
\index { SpcMillis@{ SpcMillis} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { SpcMillis} { SpcMillis} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t Spc\+ Millis}
Dauer einer Pause zwischen den Zeichen.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a094f3d15714cd07a3536db03d58cb818} \label { globals_ 8h_ a094f3d15714cd07a3536db03d58cb818} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StateButtonPressed@{ StateButtonPressed} }
\index { StateButtonPressed@{ StateButtonPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StateButtonPressed} { StateButtonPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Button\+ Pressed}
Merker für Speichertaste betätigt.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a92483c848dd64122cc79472ad979f5e5} \label { globals_ 8h_ a92483c848dd64122cc79472ad979f5e5} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StatePaddleDahKeyPressed@{ StatePaddleDahKeyPressed} }
\index { StatePaddleDahKeyPressed@{ StatePaddleDahKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StatePaddleDahKeyPressed} { StatePaddleDahKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Paddle\+ Dah\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Merker für Paddle betätigt.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a9684e7a5392d3dc5b8436002c3ce1c85} \label { globals_ 8h_ a9684e7a5392d3dc5b8436002c3ce1c85} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StatePaddleDitKeyPressed@{ StatePaddleDitKeyPressed} }
\index { StatePaddleDitKeyPressed@{ StatePaddleDitKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StatePaddleDitKeyPressed} { StatePaddleDitKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Paddle\+ Dit\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Merker für Paddle betätigt.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab36cf30c9e53f719929eba1f738e4b12} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab36cf30c9e53f719929eba1f738e4b12} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StateRiseTime@{ StateRiseTime} }
\index { StateRiseTime@{ StateRiseTime} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StateRiseTime} { StateRiseTime} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Rise\+ Time}
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
Timer für Anstieg des Mithörtons.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a03249b48d31b6f929b91011f73c3eb56} \label { globals_ 8h_ a03249b48d31b6f929b91011f73c3eb56} }
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StateRiseTimeCounter@{ StateRiseTimeCounter} }
\index { StateRiseTimeCounter@{ StateRiseTimeCounter} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StateRiseTimeCounter} { StateRiseTimeCounter} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Rise\+ Time\+ Counter}
Zähler für Anstieg des Mithörtons.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a39b1d9792105a52be2c2713ecf044a97} \label { globals_ 8h_ a39b1d9792105a52be2c2713ecf044a97} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StateStraightKeyPressed@{ StateStraightKeyPressed} }
\index { StateStraightKeyPressed@{ StateStraightKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StateStraightKeyPressed} { StateStraightKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t State\+ Straight\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Merker für Straight\+ Key betätigt.
2023-09-08 22:16:51 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ ab51365843be3e4ebfabfc836b59e7ef1} \label { globals_ 8h_ ab51365843be3e4ebfabfc836b59e7ef1} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !StoreEEpromTimer@{ StoreEEpromTimer} }
\index { StoreEEpromTimer@{ StoreEEpromTimer} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { StoreEEpromTimer} { StoreEEpromTimer} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t Store\+ EEprom\+ Timer}
Zählvariable für auto. Speicherung EEprom.
2023-09-05 22:31:17 +02:00
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a4a4d36a87b010340a12f80300a0c5f76} \label { globals_ 8h_ a4a4d36a87b010340a12f80300a0c5f76} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !t\_ delayms@{ t\_ delayms} }
\index { t\_ delayms@{ t\_ delayms} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { t\_ delayms} { t\_ delayms} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t t\+ \_ \+ delayms}
Timer 0 max. 65535ms, all purpose timer variable.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a8a613665f46a0641e6dc293da130ab23} \label { globals_ 8h_ a8a613665f46a0641e6dc293da130ab23} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !t\_ elementlength@{ t\_ elementlength} }
\index { t\_ elementlength@{ t\_ elementlength} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { t\_ elementlength} { t\_ elementlength} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint16\+ \_ \+ t t\+ \_ \+ elementlength}
Timer 0 max. 65535ms, element length of dit or dah.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a926757eaf37be188fd6e15410d83c953} \label { globals_ 8h_ a926757eaf37be188fd6e15410d83c953} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TimerButtonPressed@{ TimerButtonPressed} }
\index { TimerButtonPressed@{ TimerButtonPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TimerButtonPressed} { TimerButtonPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t Timer\+ Button\+ Pressed}
Timer Variable für Entprellung.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a57e73db78b59b4d79e72189fb0158f7a} \label { globals_ 8h_ a57e73db78b59b4d79e72189fb0158f7a} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed@{ TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed} }
\index { TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed@{ TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed} { TimerPaddleDahKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t Timer\+ Paddle\+ Dah\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Timer Variable für Entprellung.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a170fcf4ece2368541f1bcb04a3dd1511} \label { globals_ 8h_ a170fcf4ece2368541f1bcb04a3dd1511} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed@{ TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed} }
\index { TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed@{ TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed} { TimerPaddleDitKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t Timer\+ Paddle\+ Dit\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Timer Variable für Entprellung.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a0ca92f009021ed55c2f9199cf5bf80c3} \label { globals_ 8h_ a0ca92f009021ed55c2f9199cf5bf80c3} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !TimerStraightKeyPressed@{ TimerStraightKeyPressed} }
\index { TimerStraightKeyPressed@{ TimerStraightKeyPressed} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { TimerStraightKeyPressed} { TimerStraightKeyPressed} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily volatile uint8\+ \_ \+ t Timer\+ Straight\+ Key\+ Pressed}
Timer Variable für Entprellung.
\mbox { \Hypertarget { globals_ 8h_ a28fa6cb1767abefbe9c197700410d946} \label { globals_ 8h_ a28fa6cb1767abefbe9c197700410d946} }
\index { globals.h@{ globals.h} !WpM@{ WpM} }
\index { WpM@{ WpM} !globals.h@{ globals.h} }
\doxysubsubsection { \texorpdfstring { WpM} { WpM} }
{ \footnotesize \ttfamily uint8\+ \_ \+ t WpM}
Aktuelle Zeichengeschwindigkeit.